Monday, October 01, 2007

The Zombie Tube, reformed

When I was young I remember my mother telling me not to sit so close to the tv because it would rot my brain. She also limited our television use to 2 hrs a day. In those days my parents referred to the television as the "Zombie Tube" because when we kids were watching it we looked like little drones. Completely vacant on the inside. Now I sit and watch the people around me and I havent discovered that in our technologically savvy society we have not only allowed our kids to be sucked up into the Zombie tube, using it as a babysitter, we have created another form of it! The computer.

Computers, paired with the internet have become the new Zombie tube. Kids sit staring at its screen all day chatting to friends and watching clips of stupidity on youtube. My only question is when will these kids start going outside? When will they ever do anything that doesnt involve a screen?

We cant escape the screens anymore. They're everywhere, hug ones on our walls (because real art isn't good enough anymore) and attached to our computers, on our phones and ipods. You can take a screen with you everywhere. But why? To keep us from being bored? Whatever happened to books? Whatever happened to just playing or making yourself useful? Drawing or doodling even?

Our creativity is being sucked out of our very souls, and are we even fighting back?

Friday, July 27, 2007

The Upattinian Rule

A story based on the school wide game played during the 2003-2004 school year. A sum-up of the events of that year, as well as some story ideas that had never come to pass. Not to mention a little embellishment on my part ;) Enjoy....

Lady Amber sat in her room, staring at the deed's to her kingdom laid out on the desk before her. Today was a dark and dreary day, it was time to give herself over to the fate she had brought upon herself. The years politics had been chaotic, a swarm of kingdoms and tribes clawing at the resources of the land, each vying for control.
"How did it come to this?" she whispered to herself, knowing that she had been the one that started it all. Quietly she thought back on the events of the past year.

Upattinas had been a peaceful country, the majority of it's citizens were content under the rule of their king. King Alden had been a good leader, and a quiet man. At that point Lady Amber had been a wealthy noblewoman. She safeguarded her lands and the people within them, and was happy with her life. Until that fated day when she had received a letter, stamped with the official seal of the Imperial Secretary. The letter gave very detailed evidence that King Alden was mistreating the Barbarian hordes, stealing their land, destroying their crops and livestock, forcing them to the brink of starvation. She had felt outraged at the king's deeds and discussed at great length with the Imperial Secretary what should be done to stop him. After weeks of debate, the Imperial Secretary had convinced Lady Amber that the best way to end King Alden's corruption was to eliminate him. And so Lady Amber took on the task.

One day, during one of King Alden's weekly speeches to the masses, Lady Amber, cloaked in a disguise, slipped past the king's musketeers and shot the king, square in the back. He fell dead before all his subjects, and Lady Amber had escaped, the musketeers chasing after her.

The land was thrown into immediate turmoil. The Prince was summoned home from his distant travels. The kingdom split into factions, fighting amidst each other for control of the land. Allegations of Lady Amber guilt swarmed through the cities, but none could prove her guilt.

A great rivalry between Lady Amber and Prince Andrew blazed, he was convinced she was his father's murderer. Lady Amber was convinced that the Prince must have been as corrupt as his father. They met with many a harsh word to each other often. During one of their very heated debates, Lady Amber had let the truth slip from her own lips. She had admitted that she had slaughtered the king. Enraged the Prince had declared war upon her.

The next day they met on the field of honor. Lady Amber stood facing Prince Andrew, their armies poised for battle behind them. The call was summoned up, and just as the two warriors were about to meet, The Revolution raged into the battle, lead by Daniel J. of the Disgruntled Farmer's Union. Prince Andrew and his forces were driven back to the far off island of "Office", forcing him to give up control of many of his lands.

Rejoicing spread through Upattinas at the Prince's defeat, and new struggles emerged as the country searched for its new leader. It was at this time that Lady Amber discovered documents of a very unsettling nature, buried deep in the vaults of the Imperial Secretary. As she had read the documents, she began to feel sick at what they revealed. It was true that the Barbarian Hordes had been severely mistreated, however King Alden had not been the culprit. It had been the Imperial Secretary herself who had destroyed their crops and homes. Lady Amber had the information released to the public, despite the fact that it painted her a cold-blooded killer. She had been revered for her honesty, and scolded for her guilability.

Now she sat, her heart hung with the knowledge that she had murdered an innocent, good man. She had been so easily convinced to do such a horrible act. Lady Amber gathered up her deeds, tying them tightly into a leather folder. Standing she pulled her cloak over her shoulders and walked out of her office. She stepped out into the Great Yellow City, taking in it's golden walls for the last time. Her second and third in command, Peter and Kimmy stepped up to her. She smiled at them both, hugging them tightly. As she pulled away she handed Peter the folder.
"It's yours now." she said, turning and leaving her beloved city far behind. She traveled long, over land and sea, until at last she arrived upon Office island. Not one step ashore, she was met by the cold gaze of Prince Andrew and his attendants. Swallowing the lump in her throat, Lady Amber dropped to her knees before him upon the cold wet sand.

"I have come to make peace with you Prince." she said shakily, her heart beating loudly within her chest.

"I have taken from you, something that can never be replaced. I have wronged you in a way that should never have been. My actions could be blamed on misinformation or guilability, but I know within my heart that it is my own fault. Nothing I say or do will ever be able to make up for your loss. But, I am here, nonetheless, to tell you that I am sorry. I regret every action since that day." Lady Amber kept her eyes focused on the ground beneath her, trying to keep the tears from her eyes.

"I do not expect your forgiveness. You may do with me whatever you wish, my life is yours. I pledge myself into your service until my end." Lady Amber felt a single tear escape her eye as she waited for his response. She knew not what he would do with her, nor did it matter. Her conscience was satisfied. And if she was to die by his hand, she would die knowing that she had done the right thing in the end.