Spam! Spam! Spam! What is with all the Spam on the internet? It appears in our e-mail, pops up on our screen when we look at websites, and now it’s invading our blogs! It’s a disease we can’t seem to cure. A long time ago, before TV or telephones, back in the days of the open air markets, Spam was screamed at you as you walked past. If you didn’t want to hear it you just went home. Then we created a system of sending messages, and it wasn’t long before “junk mail” came along. As our technology surpassed itself over and over we heard Spam in the form of commercials emerge on the radio, and later on TV. Then they started to call us at home, and if we pretended not to be there they came to our doors. Over the years our society has learned how to deal with these types of Spam, but how should we deal with someone posting about “nymphomaniac housewives” in our blogs? We can’t very well tell them to take us off their list, because the website browses them to us. All we can do is delete the comments. Well I say no! I will not suffer in silence while they attack my words! I will not become a living billboard for them to vandalize! I say RISE UP! And defeat our advertising foes with resistance! Let them know that we won’t take it any more!!!
Viva la Revolution!!!
Truthfully though, I’m sick and tired of it. And while I am lazy, I’m only lazy to a point, and the spamming of my blog, and other people’s has got me to that point. Even if a comment is deleted it says it was deleted, and everyone knows what it was. While this site has a lot of tools on it for our blogs, it doesn’t have anyway to notify others or the site in general about the spamming comments. Other sites I do know have such options, why doesn’t ours?
1 comment:
thank you very much. I appreciate the compliment!
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