Thursday, October 27, 2005

All Hallow's Creeps Near

Perhaps it is just me but I think that Halloween has lost all of its meaning. Over the years the great holiday has lost its roots, lost its tradition, and now is loosing its day. Halloween is still October 31st on the calendar, but somehow in past years the day when children go dressed up as monsters and princesses from door to door has fluctuated. When I was small Halloween was Halloween. It was on the 31st of October and you got dressed up and went trick-or-treating on that night. If it was a school night, my mother made us finish up at 8:30, 9 if we were lucky. But nowadays they can’t even consider letting them out on a school night! “Oh no, what if they have homework?” What 8 year old child has homework on Halloween?!!!?!!!? Halloween used to be one night a year around the country; you never had to check when you were allowed to go out. The day before Halloween was “Mischief night” and Halloween was Halloween. Now there are schedules. Some counties aren’t letting their children out until a certain time on a scheduled day. If you start trick-or-treating before then you could be fined! But who really cares, it’s not even on Halloween.

Since I was finally too old for trick-or-treating (and I was probably one of the reasons they have now limited the age you can be to trick-or-treat) I have noticed a change in the youth that is running around asking for candy. I was taught the tradition of “If you want the candy you have to say trick or treat.” But in past years as I am now the candy giver, so many children come up to the door and just hold out their bags. I have to stand there and ask what they want. There have been years where they just say “candy”. Have these kids no respect for traditions? No I shouldn’t blame them because no one taught them the trick-or-treating rules. Parents are the ones who made the mistake.

In conclusion, teach your kids the magic words “Trick-or-Treat” and help convince the government that they don’t have to change the day the holiday belongs on.


Amber R. Timlin said...

Yes trick-or-treating is for them, but you can't get anything in life without asking for it. The same is true with halloween, and "Trick or Treat" is the proper way to ask for such treats. And just to clarify, just because I used the word "government" does not immediately take the meaning that I am referring to George Bush or congress. there are many levels of our government, and individual townships are part of that government. And the township tends to be the body which decides when halloween is celebrated.

Amber R. Timlin said...

heh, its funny you mentioned christmas. According to records, Christmas shouldn't be celebrated in december, it should be in September. However when the church was christianizing much of the "Barbaric" tribes in europe, they already had a holiday in december to celebrate the solistice. so they changed it to blend with the pagan holiday. Interesting how that stuff works huh?

Amber R. Timlin said...

It's not that we have perverts now and we didnt back then, it's just that now, it gets broadcasted everywhere through the media. It's just one huge wave of fear propaganda. Because fear sells.