Thursday, November 17, 2005

A View, Not of my Own.

To write a paper on an opinion you do not carry is a tough charge. As so much of what we write is to express our own opinions. First you have to choose a topic. Something I am passionate about. The topic I chose is school uniforms.

There are many benefits to schools uniforms. It helps to unify the student body as a community as well as allowing teachers and administrators to concentrate on more important work in the school, rather than whether students clothes are in accordance with the dress code. This in turn will help to increase the proficiency of the teaching environment, ultimately helping the students. Another benefit to making mandatory school uniforms is that it helps to eliminate gang colors in urban schools. This will decrease the amount of violence in our schools.
As to the argument many have made that the uniforms will be expensive and/or poor quality, it is simply not true. In fact uniforms are well priced for all social classes and can help in deterring bullying in schools based on a persons’ inability to purchase the newest brands. Mandatory school uniforms also eliminate derogatory logos and language in the student wardrobe. This helps in preventing the fall of students into rougher, or more violent ways of life.
Implementing school uniforms also decreases the number of thefts of clothing or shoes as well as decreasing the number of violent confrontations due to clothes. It also reduces the distractions within the classroom, because if everyone is wearing the same thing as you, you have no reason to look around the room rather than at the board. Also uniforms make it clearly visible to teachers and administrators those young people who do not belong on the premises or who are not following rules. This makes punishing those students easier and quicker.
One of the largest arguments against uniforms is the claim that it is unconstitutional, taking away a students right to freedom of expression. There are compromises to be made however. Many systems are supporting that uniforms can be more relaxed rather than the all too famous catholic school uniform. Uniforms can be a simple pair of khaki pants and a knit shirt or even a pair of jeans. However jean size should be regulated and students should be required to wear pants the fit, rather than those which hang down below the waist and expose undergarments, or are too tight and revealing. Another way of dealing with arguments against uniforms is to allow students to wear buttons or pins which express their political or social views. However it should be made clear that any gang paraphernalia is not accecptable in any way.
To aid the parents of children in low income or single parent homes, offering financial aid for the purchase of uniforms should be considered. Also a school must accommodate the religious beliefs of students, so religious clothing must be allowed. Perhaps by requesting that students wear part of the uniform along with religious garments, or underneath you can incorporate them into the whole of your school community. Also allowing the uniform colors to be bright, or to change slightly with the season can help in easing students into the process.
There are many, many benefits to school uniforms. In addition to being functional they can be more flexible than many individuals believe. Our children’s safety is the most important thing in our society today, as well as their education. School uniforms aid in both of these areas, helping to secure a better future for all of us.

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