Thursday, December 08, 2005

Last Day

We have finally arrived at the last day of class. No longer shall we have the driving force to continually update our blogs. The question is, how many of us will? How many of us will continue using these blogs to express our opinions? Will any of us continue to comment on those of others? This may be the true test of the influence of this class on individuals, if we are all still writing entries 3 months from now. This is also an opportunity to continue to communicate, not only with each other but with our professor.

Then again, maybe no one will continue to write here. Perhaps the lessons learned here can be continued on other blogging sites. On our livejournals or on our myspace blogs. The important thing is that something was learned or inspired. As Dr. Barlow said at the beginning of class, it’s just about being able to communicate your point. No matter what it be about. You can talk about music, politics, school, hell even chewing gum, as long as you can say what you want and have people understand it. That’s the power behind writing, and the new found power of the internet. You can express yourself, un-edited, and un-censored.

After exposing yourself to this new world of communication, the options are endless. You can publish anything you want. Publish your own music, publish your biography (because that’s all a diary/journal really is), publish your own fictional novel, publish your political column, or publish your own art. The world is lain at our feet, and our generation has an opportunity to make a difference. We are looked down on and unappreciated by so many of our aging population, and who runs our country? Our media? We should use our assets to prove that we wont just sit, hands-crossed and be told to be quiet. Express your Freedom of Speech!

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